Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So not feeling it.....

We have school tomorrow.  My lesson plans say that we're going to play Continent Hop, which is a game I made up similar to BINGO.  The idea is that your frog game piece wants to hop everywhere on his game board,  You pick a card from the deck and if you have that continent on your card, your frog goes there.  Whoevers frog goes everywhere on the card wins.

This game requires that I make up the cards and the deck...oh and some frog game pieces. 

But I'm so tired.

Right now, right in this very second, I can totally see how purchasing a curriculum would have been helpful.  After all, those curriculum come with everything you need.  

I'm thinking of slacking and doing some other lesson, or just not do our geography study, but I slacked last class too.  For our Extinct Animal lesson were were learning about ammonites.  They're actually pretty cool and since it's a water extinct animal I had big plans to turn out bath tub into the bottom of the ocean and construct my own ammonite out of a balloon.  Instead, I showed him a youtube video that showed pictures of what ammonites looked like.  Not surprisingly, he lost interest pretty quickly.  It wasn't our most fun teaching / learning experience.

We've probably all had moments like this.  I imagine I'll have more in the future.  But I'm not going to give myself a hard time about it.  We aren't just homeschool educators.  We're mothers.  We're wives.  We work, either in or out of the home.  And...oh right....we have ourselves to look after.  It's not easy. 

So if you're not feeling it the way I'm not feeling it.....I'm going to say it's ok.  Not every class has to be the best class ever.

1 comment:

  1. I can soooooo relate! Since I am not only the "Educator", but also the home-maker, the kisser of Boo boos, Chauffer, cook, maid, and since a year ago I am also a College Student too! Busy is not even the word! I mean, yes, my husband stays home and helps, but as much as I love him and God knows he try's, he just isn't able to take over like I wish. So, yes! I have had those days where I am like hmmmm.... Maybe I'll just let the kids watch a educational video today, or hmmm.... They do Love playing those learning type games on
    Honestly, I think that it is perfectly okay, every now and then, to just give ourselves a break.
    I mean that is why the term "Hooky", "un-schooling", "Educational media", ETC! were invented IMO! ~> Enjoy your slack days, sometimes Us Homeschool Momma's need them ((Hugs))!
