Thursday, January 3, 2013

Starting up Spring Semester!

Ok, so we're going to be starting our next semester.  I'm SUPER excited and so is my son!  Last semester (which was also my first attempt at homeschooling), I didn't have a ton of structure.  I let my son guide the learning, which was a point.  I think we ended up playing more than learning, which I'm not against at such a young age, but frankly if I'm going to be spending hours getting lesson plans ready I want him to at least learn something.

I've broken the lessons down into short little "spurts" of learning.  Instead of trying to teach a ton, we're going to try to opposite and teach little short lessons.  I'm hoping he'll retain a bit more.

We'll be doing Word Study, Shapes, Math, Calendar Study, Science, Time Machine - Extinct Animals, Writing Prompts and Reading. least that's the plan.  As I learned last semester, things don't always work out the way intend.  But that's all part of the learning experience, right?  Even us homeschool moms and dads need a learning curve!

I'm going to be adding my new lessons to my current tabs, then adding a new tab for the Time Machine - Extinct Animals lessons and science lessons.  Thanks so much for your patience!!  I'll be posting the lessons within a week!

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