Sunday, August 11, 2013

First Week of Kindergarten!

Well, it's that time again.  I was a bit more apprehensive this time to get school started.  In fact, I bumped it back a week out of anxiety.  My son is in kindergarten and it makes me nervous to think that this year counts.  Not that preschool didn't, but this year we're accountable for what we teach.

I planned my lessons in advance and took advantage of a local used curriculum sale where I scored Saxon Math and Reading lessons and materials for a combined total of $40.  Pretty good deal, right?  The Reading is similar to the "letter a day" concept, and we're going to supplement with addition state requirements.  The Math is 3rd grade level and I'm going to work through it as is for as long as my son is interested.

I've also added Bible Studies and a geography lessons where we built a car and take "trips" around the US learning about different states.  I wanted to start music but I'm having trouble working it in.  In addition to our planned school, my son is doing soccer and gymnastics as well as a co-op that teaches science, pe, art and history.

So yeah, it's a lot.

But the first week went pretty well.  As I figured, all my hard work and planning got basically thrown out the window immediately as my son had a mind of his own and things he wanted to learn that I hadn't planned.  That's fine with me as long as we hit the math and reading I have planned. 

I'm looking forward to posting some projects and lessons we did, although it may be a few more days.  We've just been so busy! 

On a side note, if you aren't signed up for, I highly recommend.  School supplies are on sale now and coupon mom provides tons of additional coupons.  This is the time of year that we get totally stocked on markers and paints, which tend to get used up rather quickly in my house.

Also, if you're thinking of using Saxon, I'll keep posting about how I like the curriculum as the year goes on.

Ok, that's all for now!  Happy first day of homeschool!

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